Nawazeesh Muhammad Ali
Academic Background:
- PhD in International Political Economy and Development, Rangsit University; Thailand. (Ongoing)
- Master of Arts in Economics, Department of Economics, Jahangirnagar University.
- Master in Development Studies, Department of Arts and Social Science, American International University-Bangladesh.
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) major in Economics, Department of Business Administration, American International University-Bangladesh.
Publications and Conference Proceedings:
- Co-author of the article on FORMAL TRADE BETWEEN INDIA AND BANGLADESH: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS(S. K.S. YADAV, Muhammad Ali Nawazeesh, AlexandruMircea NEDELEA), Ecoforum,Romania,Vol 5, No 2 (2016),pp.23-34
- Contribution of Trust Bank Ltd. as a Socio–economic Development of Bangladesh: An Analysis, Journal of Business and Economic Development, Science Publishing Group ,USA,Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2017, Pages: 71-78
- Impact of climate change and natural catastrophe on the occupational changes in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: an empirical study. Environmental Economics (open- access),Ukraine, 9(1), 22-37. doi:10.21511/ee.09(1).2018.02
- Political economy of role of income generating programs of selected NGO's creating Entrepreneurs in Rural Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis, International Journal of Trade and Commerce-IIARTC July-December 2020, Volume 9, No. 2 pp. 437-457, ISSN-2277- 5811 (Print), 2278-9065 (Online)
- INTERNATIONAL PURVIEW OF POVERTY CONTROL IN THE NEW EMERGING ECONOMY , Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review / Volume 5, Issue 1, 2021. (SCOPUS Index Journal).
- Political Economy of the NGO Namely 'Bangladesh Extension Education Services' Through Channeling Micro Savings Into Micro Investment to Create Entrepreneur. International Journal of Trade and Commerce-IIARTC January-June 2021, Volume 10, No. 1 pp. 17-37 ISSN-2277-5811 (Print), 2278-9065 (Online) © SGSR. (www.sgsrjournals.com) All rights reserved. COSMOS (Germany) JIF: 5.135; ISRA JIF: 6.717; ISI JIF: 3.721
- ROLE OF THE NGO “DESHA” IN CREATING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN BANGLADESH: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Global Economy, Trade and International Business Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021, pp. 97-126 ISSN: 2583-0112 © ARF India. All Right Reserved. DOI:10.47509/JGETIB.1.2.2021.97-126
- Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) financing through one semi-formal sector Bank and five formal sector Banks to create entrepreneurs: An empirical study, AUTHORS: Nawazeesh Muhammad Ali and Wanakiti Wanasilp, Pratibimba: January-June 2023; Pratibimba: January-June 2023
Research Interests: Economics and Development.
- Outstanding Management –Student Award, MTC Global – a global think-tank in higher education (www.mtcglobal.org), Bengaluru, India; 2015.
- Summa Cum Laude Award – for getting CGPA 4 out of 4 in Master in Development Studies (MDS) from American international University-Bangladesh, 19 th Convocation.
- [email protected]
- Dhaka, Bangladesh