University of Skill Enrichment & Technology
USET at a Glance
The idea and initiative for USET have come from three academics from Bangladesh origin working abroad: Prof. Moazzem Hossain of Griffith University, Australia, Dr. Mazharul M Islam Rana of Bath University, UK and Prof. Bibhuty Roy of Bremen University, Germany. Due to their long-standing academic work experience in world-renowned Universities in different developed countries (Australia, Germany, France, Italy, and the UK), USET will get the opportunity for connecting and collaborating with those countries and beyond. Through their worldwide connections, USET will have the advantage of attaching junior and senior academics working offshore with visiting and adjunct positions. The incumbent Government has been doing extraordinarily well to maintain the ‘middle income’ status of Bangladesh. Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has recently said that Bangladesh will achieve the goal to become a middle-income nation by 2021, three years ahead of the deadline set by the World Bank. She has been working tirelessly for transforming Bangladesh into a ‘developed’ nation by 2041.

Message From The Chairman
As the first skill-based university of the country, we welcome students to open the door of possibilities in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. There is a lack of skilled human resources all over the world. The developed countries of the world are interested in skilled manpower from middle-income countries like ours to meet their demands for this. If we can take the advantage of this opportunity by developing our youth as skilled and qualified human resources, they will be able to achieve advanced professions in developed countries including Europe, America, and Australia.
Dr. Moazzem Hossain
Founder & Chairman, USET

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (B.Sc. in CE)
Orientation Program for New Student
Wed 01 Nov – Wed 17 Nov
Class Start Date after Mid Term
Wed 01 Nov – Wed 17 Nov
Mid Term Exam/ Break
Wed 11 Nov – Wed 18 Nov