An official team of the University Grants Commission (UGC), led by Professor Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain, honorable Member of UGC along with Dr. Md. Muhibul Hasan, Deputy Director, Mr. Probir Chandra Das, Senior Assistant Director and Mr. Md. Muhibbullah, Assistant Director have visited the campus of the University of Skill Enrichment and Technology (USET) on Monday July 15, 2024.

Professor Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain started his visit with paying tributes to the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and placing flowers to Bangabandhu’s mural at campus. He has visited Labs, Classrooms, Library, Mujib Corner and all other facilities established by USET for students, teachers, and other staff. He observed demonstrations of projects by CSE students organized in respective Labs and he talked to the students at classrooms of English, Economics, and Business Administration.

 Moreover, Professor Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain took part in a welcoming function at the auditorium of USET and he said that the USET can be a role model in building SMART Bangladesh.  He mentioned the present job market in the world is very competitive and it is the skilled workers and professionals who will do well in the job market. He further emphasized that students need to develop further with their respective skills to compete successfully in the job market. He enjoyed a short cultural program presented by USET teachers and students before attending a lunch with all guests and BoT members of USET.

Professor Qazi Kholikuzzaman Ahmad, the chief Patron of USET has said during this program, USET will play a leading role in Bangladesh in science and technology areas and we are determined to do everything to maintain high quality of our students as well as making them leaders as top level skilled professionals. As a result  they can compete in world job market too successfully.

After the visit of campus, Professor Sazzad Hossain met with  Board of Trustees members while Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chief patron of USET, Dr. Md. Moazzem Hossain, Founder and now Acting Chairman, Dr.  AZM Obaid Hussain, Vice Chairman, Ms. Shayaka Sharmin, General Secretary, Mr. Mia A. K. M. Al-Imam, Treasurer, Professor Dr. Md. Fazlul Hoque, member, and Mr. Mamun Ahmed, member of Board of Trustees of the University of Skill Enrichment and Technology (USET) were present.

Mr. Sultan Mahmud, Vice Chancellor (Acting) and Treasurer of USET looked after the welcoming program where all the faculty members and staff were present too. 

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